Study of regionalism
University College London; ‘Marxism and the Visual Arts Now’ conference
Book, We are the Poors; Community Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa, by Ashwin Desai
Subsidy towards Wellred website
‘Towards an effective anti-racist educational system’ conference
Publication subsidy for biography of Ken Sprague
‘Thinking and Doing’ conference
Travel grant to 2002 World Social Forum at Porto Alegre
Streetnet International Launch, South Africa
Travel grant to Geneva to carry out interviews with members of IFWEA and WIEGO at ILO, for study of Workers’ Organisations in the Informal Economy
Publication of pamphlet about the history and activities of the organisation
Travel grant to Moscow to research Comintern archives on 1926 lockout
Travel grant to research the life of Sidney Bunting
Travel grant to Porto Alegre, World Social Forum
‘Revolutionary Syndicalism; an international and comparative analysis’
Subsidy of catalogue of the Joe Kenyon archive at Northern College
Research on the London Corresponding Society, 1792-9
Conference ‘Sources of Radicalism’
Cost of photo reproduction for his book, Ralph Miliband and the Politics of the New Left
Contribution towards setting up of MediaLens website
‘Recovering WRI’s History – Stories of War Resisters’ International’, oral history project