Oluwale Now: Remembering human rights in an age of crisis (university conference on life of David Oluwale)
Presente! Contemporary Art from Cuba Art (touring exhibition of Cuban art work with an associated educational programme led by Cuban artists)
The Ruskin Radical Research Unit, speaker series. Six speaker events during 2016, during the weekends, on Trade Union history
And Here I Am. Research and development costs for theatre production as a response to refugee crisis, performed in English and Arabic
Working Together: recording and preserving the heritage of the workers’ cooperative movement. Identifying existing records and creating an archive of the workers’ co-operative movement
Stories of Struggle. Podcast setting out the history of social and economic justice in contemporary Britain
Conference on the Lucas Plan and its current relevance. Explores alternatives to arms production and the need for a just transition to combat climate change
Photographs for Rebel Crossings: New Women, Free Lovers and Radicals in Britain and the United States. Cost of photographs from archives for book about radical feminists
British Political Theatre: an online resource. Development of online archive of British political theatre from GB Shaw to present day
Socialist debating event. Part of a festival of grassroots education initiatives
Cultural political event. Located in Rough Trade music shop
Investigative Journalism programme: public services. Series of workshops assisting people campaigning to save their public services
Protest! Stories of Resistance (anthology of short stories exploring ten pivotal moments of popular resistance)
Intensive education of women in 15 tribal villages in Tamilnadu State (workshops to protect human and reproductive rights of tribal women in Southern India)
Marx audio recording (audio presentation on the history of the Manchester library’s connection to Marx and others)
Social education to protect women’s rights in Faisalabad, Pakistan (series of workshops to help prevent domestic violence)
Archiving the papers of Isaac Deutscher
Actors for Human Rights. Rehearsed reading of testimonial scripts by asylum seekers and survivors of sex trafficking
Tackling inequalities amongst LBTI refugee women. Three self-esteem and confidence-building workshops for LBTI participants
Two day participative educational and artistic event for young people in Bethnal Green, East London
Spring Reign. Original drama about Syrian conflict based on real life accounts by refugees, musicians and photographers
Green and Black Cross Training Improvement Project (workshop on legal rights during demonstrations)
Observational film following the life of a female lawyer in Turkey fighting a culture of domestic abuse
All World History, All Year Round (educational event in Islington to change history curriculum to reflect the histories of ethnic minority communities)
Economics is for Everyone (a series of educational workshops helping activists to analyse the economy and make proposals for alternatives)
In Conversation with Betty Tebbs: an inspiring cross-generational filmed interview with a 99 year old activist In Manchester
Project supporting homeless girls in Durban. Workshops and education seminars
Let Us Grow Together (conference involving unions, civil justice organisations and government bodies to identify the main courses of conflict between South African citizens and refugees)
Sexual Rights Localised (training of LGBT youth on human rights law with local perspective)
Political Education for a New Movement (five one-day workshops on social justice and socio-economic rights in the Western Cape)