Training on planning, facilitation, and pedagogical skills to politically-active young people of working-class backgrounds interested in educational projects
Support for the Latin America Bureau’s ‘Voices of Latin America’ project, which documented under-reported testimony of young activists working for democracy, justice, and the environment across Latin America
Funding for a film celebrating 150 years of the Durham Miner’s Association
A day of training, workshops, and educational activities focused on socialist theory and practice in Leeds
Printing and recording a songbook of ten original choral songs of international protest, peace and socialism
A conference that would canvas opinion on environmental issues within the WEA movement, and to produce appropriate literature to crystallise an environmental policy
Funding for two short courses to teach and train core campaigning skills and methods
Funding for the Common House community centre and meeting space to provide access to six new core user groups. Twelve additional educational workshops will also be run
Translation for an Arab Left Reader and development of a website with educational material and explanatory essays
A day’s conference to publicise and strategise a public ownership agenda
A student-focused conference on Social Reproduction Theory
Funding for an 11-week program of political education at Oaklands Secondary School for year 11 and 12 students
A short film on technological methods of cooperation employed by precarious workers in the gig economy
Researching responses from activists, academics and migrants to the Hostile Environment policy. This was followed by a workshop that brought these groups together to gain a deeper understanding of how to approach immigration policies from a historical and inter-generational perspective
To help print a book detailing the contributions from often-overlooked Manchester women in the interwar years focusing on unions, workplaces, and politics
To fund research for a biography of Guyanian Marxist Walter Rodney, detailing his contributions in dependency theory and unequal exchange theory
Funding provided to run a three-day course for activists on solidarity, power, and privilege from an intersectional and ecological perspective
Paying for advertising space in Leeds for the posters from the Still Life: Things Devouring Time exhibition. These were designed by members of the public and emphasise the themes of homelessness, consumer culture, and sustainability